In the realm of gemstones, few possess the enigmatic allure of onyx stone. With its captivating bands of color and mesmerizing translucence, onyx stone has been a revered stone for centuries. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, onyx holds a rich history, fascinating geology, and a plethora of cultural significance. So what is onyx stone, how to extract it ? In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the captivating world of onyx stone.

What IS Onyx Stone ?

Onyx’s history can be traced back thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Greeks, cherished onyx for its use in jewelry, carvings, and ornamental objects. It was often associated with protection, strength, and stability. The Romans also held onyx in high regard and used it to craft seals and cameos. Its presence in ancient artifacts speaks volumes about its timeless appeal.

Unraveling Onyx's Geology

Onyx is a type of chalcedony, which is a variety of microcrystalline quartz. It is formed in the voids of lava flows or in the spaces between mineral grains in sedimentary rock. The unique banding patterns of onyx are created by the alternating deposition of different minerals, such as silica and other impurities. The result is a striking array of colors, ranging from white and beige to shades of brown, black, green, and even blue.

Types of Onyx Stone :

There are different types of onyx, each distinguished by its color and origin. Here are some popular varieties:

Black Onyx:

The most well-known type, black onyx, exhibits striking black bands and is often used in jewelry and sculptures.


This variant features red-brown or orange bands and is prized for its appearance in cameo carvings.

Green Onyx:

With its soothing green hues, this variety is becoming increasingly popular in modern jewelry designs.

Blue Onyx:

This type of onyx quarry is rarer than the others. Shades of blue bands that evoke a sense of tranquility and elegance.

benefits of onyx stone for human health

The beneficial properties of onyx stone known among people are as follows:

  • It removes the blur of the mind, eliminates the lack of concentration. It helps the person to make the right decision.
  • Improves self-control ability.
  • It calms the nerves or the excitement center.
  • It weakens or completely calms down excessive emotions, stress formations.

how to care for onyx Jewelry and Artifacts:

Regular maintenance is generally required for the beauty of Onyx. A relatively soft gemstone, onyx can be susceptible to scratches and chipping. Avoid exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures. You can clean onyx jewelry and artifacts with a soft cloth and mild soapy water, rinse thoroughly and then dry without letting them dry.


Reach the most beautiful onyx stones with kayamining:

With its enchanting beauty and cultural significance, onyx continues to fascinate and inspire people. From its historical use in ancient civilizations to its modern appeal in contemporary designs, onyx remains a timeless gemstone that is sure to enthrall future generations. If you want to see the onyx stones we produce and more, don’t forget to take a look at our page and catalog.

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